全台美食、親子景點懶人包,日本自由行懶人包、必買必吃規劃,連假旅遊一次搞定! Are unable to login to the application. Maintain obtaining an error. App is English nevertheless the mistake is in Chinese so I don't know what it's. Rebooted phone, uninstalled/reinstalled app, turned off knowledge for a few minutes, but no use. I however are not able to log in https://elfgames24h.com/%e5%a8%9b%e6%a8%82%e5%9f%8e%e5%b9%a3%e5%95%86%e7%9a%84%e5%90%88%e6%b3%95%e6%80%a7%e6%8e%a2%e8%a8%8e%ef%bc%9a%e6%b3%95%e5%be%8b%e9%a2%a8%e9%9a%aa%e8%88%87%e5%90%88%e8%a6%8f%e6%80%a7/